Tuesday, January 10, 2006


I am SO sleepy!!! Thank goodness I didn't have to sit in English class (my 2nd of the day..same subj, only different teacher and student) while they read to themselves. I love to read my books, but I'm just so tired today that I fear I would have fallen out of my chair!!!!

Well, interview #2 was a doozy. Not really in a good way. Someone called my supervisor here to check up on me, but I don't know which company it was. She sent me an email saying, "PLEASE, please don't leave....you CAN'T leave!! Someone called and I gave you a horrible reference!!" Hahaha. Funny lady, she is.

So, how is everyone out there doing? I felt pretty doggone overwhelmed towards the end of last week (kinda felt as if I had reached my breaking point). I got over it (for the most part). I'm starting to wonder if I'm just supposed to stay here for a while longer. Then, getting my teaching credential popped into my head (only for the 3rd time). I have no idea what to do. I'll just stay in this holding pattern and learn to adapt and like what I do, or else get the signal and go find what I like. :-)

Well, I don't have much to write about. Sunday was the 50th anniversary of the deaths of Jim Elliot, Nate Saint, Ed McCully, Roger Youdarian, and Pete Fleming. "End of the Spear's" debut is coming up next week (wow!). I haven't seen the trailer on TV yet, but I have heard of those who have.

Have a nice week, everybody.

OH! Dillon and I joined our community center (rec center) Sunday. I am hoping to do some swimming as soon as I get over my self-consciousness of others seeing me in a swimsuit (assuming mine still fits). They are refinishing the basketball and racquetball courts, though and those don't open til after the 13th. I'm trying to decide of racquetball with Dillon will be a good thing. I tend to play to relieve stress...and that seems better when not done with a significant other. We'll see, I reckon ;-). It's been a while since I played (did so regularly in and after college when I worked at JSU). I hope we start doing more physical stuff. We both need to.

Take care, guys!


That'sone of the pics I took at Orange Beach.


Slicer said...

Guess you may need to wear something from a few years ago when you go swimming... something like this:

The Great Mooski said...


OY. Yup. You got it! Muumuus need to come back...