Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Oh well...

Today's not been the best day (carried over from something last night), and my meeting at UTD with their Teacher Certification dept didn't go so well. Let's just say that, combined with an email I got at work (from work), my future is as cloudy as......well, it's just cloudy.

I'm having a hard time keeping my chin up, despite some good Bible reading I did earlier today. I even memorized a verse, but Satan just won't leave me alone. Ah, and wouldn't ya know it? I forgot the "address" of the verse!!! Anyway, it says, "Do not grow weary of doing good, for at the proper time, your reward in heaven will come." (Ok, so that was definitely paraphrased)

I didn't do a focused study, mainly because it was too hard to concentrate in the office today. I have my pocket sized New Testament at work (would like one that is the complete Bible) and I basically read through verses I'd underlined in the past few years. When something spoke to me outside of that, I underlined and noted the date. I like doing that so that when I go back and look over different chapters, I can see how God was speaking to me at that particular time.

Anyway, not to sound like a whiny whinger, but I'm just tired of stuff right now and I don't know what to do. AAAAARRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No comments necessary. Not that this was anything worth commenting about :p. I don't know why I even blog. I probably should just keep stuff like this in my own journal (especially if the purpose of my blogging is just to vent). *note to self: vent in journal* There's too much to read on the Net these days, anyway!!!

Ah, I'm rambling.


September said...


Slicer said...

The thing is... when you vent, you are being real and giving us specific prayer needs. That is part of what being in the Body is about.

Praying for you, Amy.

The Great Mooski said...

Thank you both (and everyone else who's been reading thus far).

I've been having "ping pong" moments lately. Sometimes, I feel like I'm getting a little clarity and then "ping!" I'm back to where I started.

I felt (well, from what I can remember) the exact same way nearing my Sr year in high school. It wasn't fun then and, one Bachelor's Degree and a few unrelated jobs later, it's not fun now :p.

If I do decide to do the teaching thing, it will be a year and a half (roughly) before I could be certified. I didn't take a Government class in college and, if I do upper level Science, I will have to retake a few Biology classes as well as take Microbiology, 2 Chemistry classes and Physics. Total hours for various certifications range from 36 to 44. I just don't know if I'm ready to commit to school again for fear it's not exactly what I want to do.

That's just it. I know sometimes God's choice for us isn't always what we want (at first, at least). I don't want my wants to interfere with His, you know?

Ick...here come the tears again...