Tuesday, May 09, 2006



Hello, readers! Not much is going on, but I thought I would update, nonetheless. You know me: wordy, wordy, wordy.

Actually, the office chatter has taken a serious detour so, I'm writing in order to focus on something else!!!

The PE job I was eyeing is now off the list. I guess it was filled.

The lady who was supposed to call me yesterday did call...only it wasn't til this morning and she called 5 minutes before I was to be in class!! She said she was out yesterday, so she didn't get my message til today.

She sounded pretty sure about my science classes and that we can count the higher-level "PE" science classes toward the required 24 credit hours. I dunno..I also mentioned that I was interested in elementary and PE. She (of course she is the contact person for the science dept) said that science teachers are in greater demand and there are virtually no PE jobs and also that elementary level teaching positions are very competitive.

As I have pondered this, I've come across maybe MY idea of what I'd like to teach. Then again, when I think too much, I start doubting!!!!! Anyway, I could see me using my love for medicine and my background in health to teach a myriad of those disciplines to kids who are TRULY interested in it. Ha. How many kids are truly interested in learning when they come to school? Maybe a handful. I'll take those kids. Send the rest to PE ;-). Nah. What I'd like to be able to do is have them learn without them REALIZING it. To me, that's the mark of a good teacher. I dunno if I can do that or not....but I might like to try. I wish I could teach PE too, though. I like that kind of stuff, as well.


Then again....I just don't know what I'd do with upper-level kiddos. There is SO much disrespect going on in classrooms these days AND, if a teacher so much as looks cross-eyed at a kid, he or she could be fired!! What is UP with that?????


Slicer said...

Thanks for the update, Amy!
Don't discount the possibility of teaching in a Christian school. The discipline is somewhat better there.

The Great Mooski said...

True; however, I have checked with one of our larger ones in the area and they don't really offer lucrative pay or benefits. The benefits are integral right now, given my need to see doctors pretty regularly.

If that's where God leads me, I shall go there, though. I have already contacted them about being a TA and the lady was really honest saying that it was really more of a "Moms who want to hang out with their kids" kind of job.

Vamos a ver. We'll see. I'm going to go back to their site now and check some things out.

Thanks for replying!