Thursday, September 22, 2005

By the way...

There's something I've been meaning to post lately, and I keep forgetting.

For those of you who've been on the SCC boards and read the post about how there is a resumed hub-bub over NCAA mascots (and others), I was thinking about something.

What about Miami's college team???? Won't their mascot offend those affected by Rita, Katrina, and all those storms who came before them? (said a bit teasingly) How ironic that the Hurricanes are based in Florida, by the way....

Another thing that popped into my mind (just after Katrina hit). You know how so many want God taken out of all things "public?" Some still say He doesn't exist. Well, have you ever read the fine print on some insurance policies? "Acts of God" are not covered in certain claims. Hmm....interesting. He doesn't exist, and isn't wanted in the public sector, yet He can "act."


Slicer said...

Go vote for Aubie!!

The Great Mooski said...

LOL. Random comment...

I will :)

Slicer said...

Not random... you were talking about mascots.

The Great Mooski said...


So I was. Good gravy.. I was sick! I was sick!! ;-)

I have been voting for Aubie, too :-)

Slicer said...

Aubie is losing by about 10k points this week. Vote more often!