not Job as in the Bible. I don't have it THAT bad ;-).
By the way, please pray for our favorite Aussie, Carmel. She's had a rough patch lately and spent a fun (ha) day in the hospital recently. Get well soon, Snickers!!!
Ok, the bell just rang. Let's see how fast I can type in 6 minutes....
I've been having some issues with my neck, shoulders and both hands. I went to physical therapy yesterday (initial consultation). As far as my hands go, I may have early onset Carpal Tunnel. :-/ Not good for the job I have. My therapist recommended I work part-time (that isn't an option). Anyway....perhaps this is a gentle nudge to get out of the profession. I don't know.
As for the rest of me, I will be going 2x a week to get treatment and do exercises to build up my shoulder muscles. I'm sort of excited about this b/c I've had trouble with muscle spasms for a long time.
Anyway, I'd better go. In the "general job" prayers you do for me, please add that about my hands and also that my therapist and I can get our schedules coordinated. Right now, it's iffy. The nature of my job doesn't allow for many substitutes. I'm just a bit frustrated and wonder if God is giving me an "out" in order to pursue something else.
I just found out we've been authorized to hire 2 more interpreters who are qualified. I just hope they turn up!! We make (almost) half of what starting teachers make. It depends on your level of certification.
I'm having a hard time today. I emailed my boss about all this. I hope it was the right thing to do.
Well, thanks again!
Hi Amy
I've been catching up with your blog. CTS, huh? You and Slicer can start a club. I might be joining it as a sympathetic tennis elbow sufferer.
The thing that has worked best for me is to stop doing the things that aggravate the issue. I know... not really an option for you right now, Amy. But, you really may need to think about doing something else. How about just plain teaching? There's always a huge need for good teachers. Many schools are looking.
Other than that, I guess there will be room in the woods at my shrimp farm for another employee.
Pass the cocktail sauce.
The problem with teaching (other than the thought of it scares me to death...) is, I'd have to go back to school. I do have a Bachelor's Degree, but not a teaching certificate. I don't know what that entails (maybe a year or two?? and a test??), though.
I'm trying to hone in on whether or not I could do some sort of work in a physical therapy kind of setting (It sort of helps that I'm going for treatment ;-)). But, that wouldn't be too much right now because, again, not qualified to do too much. I was at one time (I had the hours needed to take the National Athletic Training Assoc. (NATA) exam long ago....)
Hey Amy - I, too, am catching up on your blog.
Do you stretch before you begin working? Sometimes that helps me get my hands and fingers working better. BUT - be careful. if you want to keep the language, you've got to take care of yourself. Ever think of teaching ASL? You could still be involved in the language and culture, but not terping and probably not signing as much.
I'm thinking about taking the new NIC (RID) test... sigh. It would be for work, though, so hopefully they'd fork over the $750 for the written and performance/interview. Hopefully.
SEVEN HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS??? Oh my...yes, I do need to get out of the profession ;-).
No, I don't think I'd want to teach ASL. For one, I've lost most of my skills. Signing in a public school that focuses on English over concepts will do that to you. Although, one Jr. High kid the other day asked me, "You sign ASL, right?" as I was interpreting. Sigh. They wouldn't know true ASL...anything not initialized is ASL to them.
Thanks for reading and posting. I know I don't hang out as much as I used to (on the boards, etc).
Oh, and to answer your question, Emily (I am so forgetful these days!!) I do stretch. I have always done that, having learned about carpal tunnel in school. I just think that maybe signing so much (my schedule wasn't as full when I interepted in college) has caught up with me. Then again, what about CODAs? How come they're not all walking around with braces on their hands?? Weird, eh?
Or better yet - DEAF PEOPLE?!?!?!
Why don't THEY get it like us hearies do?! :)
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